Cue Broadway

Brand Strategy & Identity / Magazine Design / Artist Commission / Video Interviews

Cue Broadway is a quarterly print and online docu-mag. A magazine that deep-dives into a current Broadway production. From conception to development, we helped build the inaugural issue as well as a follow up. This included the brand, look, tone and experience of unprecedented access. Behind-the-scenes footage, set design, sound and light, interviews with cast and crew, and even cultural or supplemental articles that highlight ideas and themes presented by each individual show.

The Band’s Visit

In the Negev desert an Israeli police band gets lost and spends the night in a small town. A story about nothing at all explores more than you can imagine as it dances around microtonal music that seduces you with wit and beauty.

Art for The Band’s Visit.

Each issue of Cue Broadway commissions an artist to reinterpret the themes and aesthetic of the production in discussion. For The Band’s Visit I leaned on Rick Hiltbrunner. The story takes place in a nondescript, but beautiful desert town, so Rick drew key scenes in dust making something beautiful out of almost nothing.

Interviews for The Band’s Visit.

The Band’s Visit was originally a movie and by all accounts seemed impossible to interpret for stage. We found out how they did it as we interviewed the music director, writer, director, cast, music specialists in Arabic tonalities and instrumentation, and even chefs known for Israeli food. With the help of Bess Adler we captured beautiful and insightful still and video footage.

Interview with music composer, David Yazbek


An interview with writer Itamar Moses on his creative approach to The Band's Visit.

Disney’s Frozen.

In stark contrast to the subtlety of The Band’s Visit, Disney stage production of “Frozen” is epic, sprawling and inspiring. We dove in to find out how they pulled it off.

The Art for Frozen.

Jenna Johnson is a master of acrylic and mixed-media. She interpreted Disney’s Frozen for us and elevated it with energy and spirit. Her paintings gave our investigations a visual baseline that brought with it weight and dignity.

Interviews for Frozen.

This was a production at the top of Broadway’s capabilities. Specialized lighting, music, effects, art direction—we interviewed everyone who had a significant impact in the creation of this beautiful narrative. Again with the amazing help of Bess Adler.

In this video, Michael Grandage discusses how he can create an element of surprise for Frozen on Broadway.


Kirsten Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez sing a lullaby that they wrote for their child.


